

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Remember (Original)

Original Photography: +Mikael Svensson
Benches gathering snow,
They hibernate throughout,
The white merely camouflages,
They slowly become oblivious.
Remember the summer days?
Where the sun would shine,
The warmth would embrace!
The lake would glisten;
Without an effort it would,
Carefully throughout the blue;
Snowflakes are all different,
And so are the seasons of life.

-Erick Flores


  1. Hello Erick.
    This is like my morning today. When I stepped out to go to work, I was faced with about an inch or two of February snow. If you're on Facebook, you can see the photos my wife took.

    Poem & photo compliment each other.
    Nicely done!

    When you get a chance, please come to my blog. I have a special gift for you.
    Award Time...Sharing The Love Again!

    1. Hello sir, you have no idea how much it meant to me to see what you have done for some poets. Thank you so much! That really made my day!

      As far as your Facebook, I don't think I have you as a friend, is there a way you can send me the link?

      -Erick Flores
